Winter Baseball 2024!
Last year was a big success for our indoor winter hitting and fielding camp and we are happy to be able to offer indoor baseball again this winter. This is a great opportunity to get extra batting and fielding practice in during the winter months. Training will begin on Saturday, Feb. 17th and run through March 30th. Being able to train in the winter is a big advantage and one not many kids get because of the lack of facilities, this is a big opportunity to hit the ground running going into the spring and summer baseball seasons. Because of limited space and coaches, we are only offering 20 spots per age group, so sign up quickly to secure your spot.
Lakeside Indoor
17101 Neveux St
Detroit, MI 48224
Ages, Days & Times:
Saturday, Feb.17-Saturday March 30th
Ages 6-8, Saturdays 3pm - 4pm
Ages 9-14, Saturdays 4pm - 5pm
2024 Summer Baseball registration will open in late February/early March.
Nate Schwarze
Director of Sports
Eagle Sports Club